Hello and Welcome to MiningTW DEX One Stop Cross-chain Swap!
MiningTW One Stop Cross-Chain Swap is only one of the products of MiningTW Blockchain. For more information about MiningTW Blockchain check out our website! https://dex.miningtw.xyz/
How long will the cross-chain transaction take?
The transaction will usually take 3 minutes, but there are many reasons why the transaction speed may vary.
One of the most common causes of delay is congestion in the blockchain. If you are trading from or into a cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain please be aware that the chain has seen congestions much more frequently than other chains.
If you have been waiting for more than 30 minutes, please contact our support via Telegram t.me/miningtwdex .
What does each of the order status mean?
Below are the four statuses you will encounter once you begin an exchange.
For illustration purposes, we will assume an exchange of Token A to Token B.
Transferring: Token A is transferred to our protocol to be exchanged.
Exchanging: Token A is being exchanged to Token B
Confirming: The exchange is waiting to be confirmed and sent to your receiving wallet
Completed: You should be able to see Token B in your receiving wallet now.
How can I view the hash of the transaction? What is transfer in and out hash?
Click your transaction under “Transaction Record”. You will see a pop-up like the image attached below.
Transfer Out Hash: Hash of transferring your fund to the system. Paste it in the respective explorer to view.
Transfer In Hash: Hash of the system transferring receiving funds to your account. Paste it in the respective explorer to view.
Note: Transfer In Hash will not be available until the order is complete.
Why do I not see the currency I exchanged to in my wallet?
There may be multiple reasons for this. Below is a list of common reasons and solutions:
The transaction is not complete. Under transaction records, you can see your recent transactions. Find the transaction you are looking for and on the left-hand side, you should be able to see the status of the transaction. If it doesn’t say “Completed” then please wait for a bit longer.
You do not have native currency in your wallet to pay for gas. Make sure you have respective currency in your wallet to pay for gas. For example, for Etherum blockchain it will be ETH, BNB for BSC, HT for HECO, etc. Note: For cross-chain transactions, you only need gas for sending the currency, not the receiving blockchain. For example, if you are sending from BSC to HECO, you only need gas in BNB for BSC. We cover the gas on HECO as part of the fees.
You have not added the token to your wallet. For most wallets, you need to manually add tokens to your wallet in order to view their balance.
You sent the tokens to the wrong address. Please double-check your receiving address.
Your wallet is on the wrong blockchain. When you make a cross-chain exchange, the tokens you receive will be on a different blockchain. For example, if you are swapping from Token A on HECO to Token B on BSC. Once the exchange is complete, you will have to make sure you are looking at your BSC wallet in order to view Token B.
If you sent the token to the same address as your original but on a different blockchain it may be possible to create a wallet with the same address on that new blockchain.
On Metamask, you can simply select “Add Network” and add the new blockchain. Make sure to add the token to view the balance!
On TokenPocket, select add wallet on the top right, select Binance Smart Chain, select “Import”, then “One-key Sync”, then select the new blockchain, and then select “Start Syncing”. Once syncing is complete, a new wallet of your original address on the BSC Chain will be created. Make sure to add the token in your new wallet to view the balance!
For other wallets, the process may be similar, please contact their customer service for support.
Why is the amount that I received different from the amount I submitted?
The rate of exchange is calculated based on the real-time exchange rate at the time of the submission of the order. During the exchange process, the exchange rate is typically changing. We follow the calculation based upon the real-time exchange rate when the trade is conducted, as a result, there may be a small amount of discrepancy in the two numbers. A small fee is also deducted for transactions and gas.
您好,歡迎來到MiningTW DEX一站式跨鏈互換!
MiningTW一站式跨鏈互換只是MiningTW Blockchain的產品之一。 有關 MiningTW 區塊鏈的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站! https://dex.miningtw.xyz/
交易通常需要 3 分鐘,但交易速度可能因多種原因而有所不同。
延遲的最常見原因之一是區塊鏈擁塞。 如果您在以太坊區塊鏈上交易加密貨幣或交易加密貨幣,請注意該鏈比其他鏈更頻繁地出現擁堵。
如果您已經等待超過 30 分鐘,請通過 Telegram t.me/miningtwdex 聯繫我們的支持。
出於說明目的,我們假設將代幣 A 交換為代幣 B。
轉移:代幣 A 被轉移到我們的協議中進行交換。
已完成:您現在應該能夠在您的接收錢包中看到代幣 B。
如何查看交易的哈希值? 什麼是轉入轉出哈希?
在“交易記錄”下點擊您的交易。 您會看到一個彈出窗口,如下圖所示。
Transfer Out Hash:將您的資金轉移到系統的哈希值。 粘貼到各自的資源管理器中查看。
Transfer In Hash:系統將接收資金轉移到您的帳戶的哈希。 粘貼到各自的資源管理器中查看。
這可能有多種原因。 以下是常見原因和解決方案的列表:
交易未完成。 在交易記錄下,您可以看到您最近的交易。 找到您正在尋找的交易,在左側,您應該能夠看到交易的狀態。 如果它沒有顯示“已完成”,請稍等片刻。
您的錢包中沒有本地貨幣來支付汽油費。 確保你的錢包裡有相應的貨幣來支付汽油費。 例如以太坊區塊鍊為ETH,BSC為BNB,HECO為HT等。 注意:對於跨鏈交易,您只需要發送貨幣的gas,而不是接收區塊鏈。 例如,如果您從 BSC 發送到 HECO,則 BSC 只需要 BNB 中的 gas。 作為費用的一部分,我們支付了 HECO 的汽油費。
您尚未將令牌添加到您的錢包。 對於大多數錢包,您需要手動將代幣添加到您的錢包中才能查看其餘額。
您將令牌發送到錯誤的地址。 請仔細檢查您的收貨地址。
你的錢包在錯誤的區塊鏈上。 當您進行跨鏈交換時,您收到的代幣將位於不同的區塊鏈上。 例如,如果您要從 HECO 上的令牌 A 交換到 BSC 上的令牌 B。 兌換完成後,您必須確保查看您的 BSC 錢包才能查看代幣 B。
在 Metamask 上,您只需選擇“添加網絡”並添加新的區塊鏈。 確保添加令牌以查看餘額!
在TokenPocket上,選擇右上角的添加錢包,選擇幣安智能鏈,選擇“導入”,然後選擇“一鍵同步”,然後選擇新的區塊鏈,然後選擇“開始同步”。 同步完成後,將在 BSC 鏈上創建一個與您的原始地址相同的新錢包。 請確保將代幣添加到您的新錢包中以查看餘額!
匯率以提交訂單時的實時匯率計算。 在兌換過程中,匯率通常會發生變化。 我們是按照交易時的實時匯率計算的,因此兩個數字可能會有少許出入。 交易和天然氣也會扣除少量費用。